Ultra high pressure dilatation catheter
The NuMED Mullins Ultra High Pressure dilatation catheter is a Coaxial design catheter with a balloon mounted on its distal tip. The Mullins catheter utilizes a higher pressure balloon to facilitate dilatation.
The Mullins Ultra High Pressure Balloon Catheter is visualized by 5 individual image bands. Four radiopaque markers are placed beneath the ‘working area’ of the balloon – two on each side of the balloon centre spaced 10.0mm apart, and two under the balloon shoulders, and a fifth marker band is embedded into the catheter tip.
The Mullins X has the following features:
• Xtra high inner lumen strength
• Xtra fast guidewire movement (even with balloon inflated)
• Increased pushability from new braided inner tubing
• Radiopaque inner tubing